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Solution Partners

Solution Partners

Solution Partnership

Seoul, Korea

Oz's Workshop

Oz's Workshop

Oz's Workshop is an all-in-one platform for merchandise production. From recommendations and design to manufacturing, packaging, and shipping, everything can be done in one place.

Free recommendations for goods tailored to your budget, delivery date, quantity, and concept.

Production available from a single item, with a wide variety of goods.

Stickers, acrylic items, clothing, PVC, badges, and all types of merchandise available.

Design and packaging services provided.

Free warehousing, individual delivery services available.

Solution Partnership

Seoul, Korea



Adoba is a leading marketing specialist company providing global influencer marketing, event promotion, and creator education services.

Collaboration with 3,500 influencer teams

20% discount on domestic and global influencer marketing services

Capable of promoting online and offline events

Able to arrange instructors and experts in various fields for creator education and events

A designated organization for export vouchers/innovation vouchers for three consecutive years

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© 2023 Splab Inc. All rights reserved.

대표자: 선민승 | 사업자등록번호: 736-81-02391 | 통신판매업 번호: 2024-서울관악-0768

주소: [팁스타운 S2] 서울특별시 강남구 역삼로 169 명우빌딩 5층 1A | 02-1600-4138


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with Umoh.

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© 2023 Splab Inc.

All rights reserved.

대표자: 선민승 | 사업자등록번호: 736-81-02391 | 통신판매업 번호: 2024-서울관악-0768

주소: JS 타워, 144-19 삼성동, 강남구, 서울 | 02-1600-4138


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