Select a plan

Start building events and community Umoh pages for free.

Select a plan

Start building events and community Umoh pages for free.

Select a plan

Start building events and community Umoh pages for free.

Based on your needs

Per size of your event or community





Access essential features for community and event building, all conveniently located in one place.

Core Features:

Home tab: Introduce events or communities and accept registrations.

Participants tab: Participants can view each other's profiles.

Forum tab: Hosts can post announcements and immediately send notifications via chat/email.

Connect tab: Participants can engage in real-time one-on-one chats and scheduling.

Basic dashboard: View registration details and access simple statistics.





Expand your community and event through data-driven insights and increased engagement.

Everything in Basic, plus:

Pro Dashboard: View detailed information about participants' online activities (chats, meeting requests).

Attendee Survey: Send surveys to participants in bulk and collect responses. *Coming Soon

A dedicated account manager assists in designing the participant experience.


Custom Pricing

Operate your business with access to all features and the highest limits, backed by exclusive services and prioritized support.

Everything in Pro, plus:

Program Tab: Announce various programs (e.g., workshops, mentoring, etc.) and accept participant registrations.

App Development: We create whitelabeled apps with your company, event, or community name.

API Integration

Based on your needs

Per size of your event or community





Access essential features for community and event building, all conveniently located in one place.

Core Features:

Home tab: Introduce events or communities and accept registrations.

Participants tab: Participants can view each other's profiles.

Forum tab: Hosts can post announcements and immediately send notifications via chat/email.

Connect tab: Participants can engage in real-time one-on-one chats and scheduling.

Basic dashboard: View registration details and access simple statistics.





Expand your community and event through data-driven insights and increased engagement.

Everything in Basic, plus:

Pro Dashboard: View detailed information about participants' online activities (chats, meeting requests).

Attendee Survey: Send surveys to participants in bulk and collect responses. *Coming Soon

A dedicated account manager assists in designing the participant experience.


Custom Pricing

Operate your business with access to all features and the highest limits, backed by exclusive services and prioritized support.

Everything in Pro, plus:

Program Tab: Announce various programs (e.g., workshops, mentoring, etc.) and accept participant registrations.

App Development: We create whitelabeled apps with your company, event, or community name.

API Integration

Based on your needs

Per size of your event or community





Access essential features for community and event building, all conveniently located in one place.

Core Features:

Home tab: Introduce events or communities and accept registrations.

Participants tab: Participants can view each other's profiles.

Forum tab: Hosts can post announcements and immediately send notifications via chat/email.

Connect tab: Participants can engage in real-time one-on-one chats and scheduling.

Basic dashboard: View registration details and access simple statistics.





Expand your community and event through data-driven insights and increased engagement.

Everything in Basic, plus:

Pro Dashboard: View detailed information about participants' online activities (chats, meeting requests).

Attendee Survey: Send surveys to participants in bulk and collect responses. *Coming Soon

A dedicated account manager assists in designing the participant experience.


Custom Pricing

Operate your business with access to all features and the highest limits, backed by exclusive services and prioritized support.

Everything in Pro, plus:

Program Tab: Announce various programs (e.g., workshops, mentoring, etc.) and accept participant registrations.

App Development: We create whitelabeled apps with your company, event, or community name.

API Integration

Start building your event and community page with Umoh.

Start Umoh Now

© 2023 Splab Inc. All rights reserved.

대표자: 선민승 | 사업자등록번호: 736-81-02391 | 통신판매업 번호: 2024-서울관악-0768

주소: JS 타워, 144-19 삼성동, 강남구, 서울 | 02-1600-4138


Start building your event and community page

with Umoh.

Launch Umoh Now

© 2023 Splab Inc.

All rights reserved.

대표자: 선민승 | 사업자등록번호: 736-81-02391 | 통신판매업 번호: 2024-서울관악-0768

주소: JS 타워, 144-19 삼성동, 강남구, 서울 | 02-1600-4138


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